2-4 Players -:- Ages 10+

  1. Setup: To do before the game begins.
    1. Shuffle the deck and put it face down beside the board.
    2. Place the top card face up beside the deck.
    3. Each player take five cards, keeping them concealed from the other players.
    4. The youngest player goes first, and the turn order progresses to the left.

  2. On your turn: Move, Cheat, or Spoil and then refill your hand from the deck. If you land on a licorice space, lose a turn. If you land on a space with an arrow, follow the arrow to the space it leads to:
    1. Move
      1. Pick one or more cards from your hand with the same color or total number of squares as the last card or cards played, place them on the discard pile face down. (If you have two or more cards with the same color, you can play them at the same time and add the squares).
      2. Declare honestly the color and total number of squares of the cards you put down.
      3. Before moving forward, give other players a chance to call you a cheater, if they do, you get to take one of their cards, increasing the maximum number of cards in your hand by one, and decreasing theirs by the same amount.
      4. Move forward a number of spaces equal to the number of squares on the card or cards you discarded. If the color of the card or cards you played matches the tile on which you started your turn, double your movement.
    2. Cheat
      1. Pick one or more cards from your hand disregarding color and number of squares, place them on the discard pile face down.
      2. Declare some color and number of squares that would match that of the last card or cards played.
      3. Before moving forward, give other players a chance to call you a cheater, if they do, they get to take one of your cards, increasing the maximum number of cards in their hand by one, and decreasing yours by the same amount.
      4. If you were not called out, move forward a number of spaces equal to the number of squares you declared were on the card or cards you discarded. If the declared (whether truthful or not) color of the card or cards you played matches the tile on which you started your turn, double your movement.
      5. Variant Rule/Optional: At the beginning of the next player's turn, you must say "licorice," to indicate that you cheated!
    3. Spoil
      1. If you have a sweets card, you may declare it, show it to the other players and place it in the discard pile.
      2. Move yourself or another player to the corresponding tile, so long as they would not have to pass another sweets tile to do so.
      3. Once you do so, the maximum number of cards in your deck decreases by one, and you lose your next turn.

  3. Winning (or not):
    1. You Win when you reach King Kandy's Castle!
    2. You Lose when another player reaches King Kandy's Castle, or when your run out of cards.